Best WordPress SEO plugin

Best WordPress SEO plugin

Best wordpress seo plugin

Yoast SEO:- Yoast SEO is a free WordPress plugin that helps you optimize your blog for search engines like Google. It's the most popular SEO plugin with more than 14 million downloads. The Yoast team has created an amazing tool to help you improve your site's SEO and make it easier for users to find your content. Their white label version offers additional features, including a social media marketing campaign planner and a content analysis toolkit that lets you optimize the title, meta description, author box and more.

Defining Your Focus Keyword

When it comes to defining your focus keyword, there are three main steps:

  • Find the right keyword for your business.
  • Use a tool like SEMrush or Moz’s Keyword Explorer to find the right keyword.
  • Make sure you get as many keywords from this list as possible and include them all in your post.


  • Page analysis

The page analysis feature is used to analyze the content of a page. It provides you with important information such as:

  • The current status of your pages, including how many pages have been indexed by Google and whether any are currently being crawled.
  • A list of all previous revisions for each page that has been updated since the last time you ran a crawl or indexation. This allows you to track changes over time and determine if your changes have had an impact on rankings or traffic levels.
  • A list of canonical URLs for each category, tag, product name, shortcode and custom field on the site.

Title and Meta Description Templates

Title and Meta Description Templates:- The plugin comes with a title and meta description template builder, which allows you to create custom templates for your title tags and meta descriptions. The tool makes use of the same basic settings as featured images: you can choose what kinds of post types should be used in the template, how many words should be included in each template, how many characters per word (to make sure that all words fit into the allotted space), etc. You can also add custom CSS classes or IDs for any element on your site so that as soon as you save these changes, they're applied immediately in real time.

Title Templates

Best WordPress SEO plugin


Content is the king.

Content is the only thing that matters.:- It doesn't matter how many followers your website has, or how many likes it has on Facebook or Instagram. The only thing that will lead to success is content.  If you want to see your business grow, focus on creating amazing content and don't worry about anything else.


Social sharing is a great way to increase your website traffic, ranking and engagement.

If you have been looking for the best social sharing plugin for your WordPress website then you are in the right place today. There are many different types of social share plugins that can help you in improving your website’s traffic, search engine rankings and more. The most popular one is Shareaholic which we will talk about later on this article.


XML sitemaps are a great way to help Google, Bing, and other search engines index your site more efficiently. XML sitemaps allow you to submit a listing of all the pages on your website in one place and make it easy for search engines to find everything that’s on your site.

Here’s how you can create an XML sitemap:

  • Go to []( and log in with your Google account information (if you don’t have one yet, create one).
  • Under “Sitemaps,” select “Add new Sitemap” from left side navigation menu or click here


  • RSS Optimization
  • RSS Feeds

RSS Feeds are a great way to get your content in front of your audience. They can also be syndicated to other websites, which will help you get more traffic.

Best WordPress SEO plugin


Breadcrumbs are an essential part of any website's navigation. They allow visitors to find their way around, which helps them navigate your site more efficiently and easily. Breadcrumbs are also often used as a search engine optimization strategy, since they help search engines understand the structure of a website more easily.

A breadcrumb trail is a list of links that show you where you've been on a website and how to get back to the home page from anywhere else on the site. Breadcrumbs can be located at the top or bottom of each page on your site and will take visitors through each step needed to reach their desired location by showing them what pages they have visited along with buttons for "Home" and "Back."


Permalinks are the permanent links you use to link to your posts and pages. These are important because they are used by search engines to index your site. Permalinks should be readable, human-friendly and consistent.

When you install a WordPress plugin that uses permalinks, it will overwrite the default settings for your site's permalinks in the database table called wp_options. This means that no matter how hard you try, you cannot edit or change the existing permalink structure unless you uninstall this plugin first (which is not recommended). If there is a way around this limitation then I'd love to hear about it!

We have discussed about best wordpress seo plugin

We have discussed about best WordPress seo plugin.

WordPress SEO by Yoast is a premium WordPress SEO plugin to optimize your website for search engines like Google, Bing and Yandex. It's one of the most popular plugins with more than 60 million downloads worldwide. We are going to share some important facts about this plugin with you.

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